Responsible game

What does the responsible game mean?

The responsible game includes various measures to reduce the development of bad game habits. The goal of the responsible game is the adoption of healthy game behavior. Above all, the game must be based on relaxation and fun. Even if the majority of players have a responsible game behavior, it is extremely complicated for some to master their desire to play. This is where some people become dependent on the game.

The responsible game must make it possible to perfectly control your playing habits. The passion for playing should not have consequences for everyday life. For this purpose, a legal framework must be respected. The game must be seen as a hobby in order to best manage its habits.

How to recognize if you have a game problem?

Here is a listing of different symptoms allowing to alarm on a possible addiction to the game. Being dependent can vote. Different studies have shown that being close to gaining the desire to play in the long term tenfold. Everyone wants to make a lot of money. Thus, it is complicated to control yourself, especially for some people.

Here are the signs of a dependence on the game :

  • Play too long;
  • Spend more and more;
  • Use the game in order to become rich;
  • Borrow in order to play and have concerns to repay;
  • Have no interest in other leisure activities than the game;
  • Neglect his loved ones;
  • No longer worry about the future but only with the game;
  • Play in order to catch up with your losses;
  • Lie to play;
  • Be suffering from stress and anxieties;
  • Have the need to play to flee reality;
  • Neglect your work and/or studies;
  • And finally, lie to yourself!

So, if you feel one or more of his people, do not hesitate to talk to an expert.

Does your game affect people closest to you?

When you play a lot, the only victim is not the player. Indeed, it is often the entourage who tricks. Move a lot of money causes loss of income. Thus, it may happen that invoices, taxes or credits are more difficult to pay. This can even lead to over -indebtedness, therefore affecting everyone around them.

Besides this terrible financial aspect, social life is affected. Indeed, relatives will gradually decrease the s with the player and his entourage. Isolation is a real strategy for surviving. In this way, the family is not going to expose themselves and reveal their concerns. There is also the feeling of shame that contributes to this. Thus, an entire family can be sacrificed in favor of the game.

List of problematic game assistance organizations

If you have concerns, there are various professional organizations in USA to go up the slope. If you have addiction to the game (or one of your loved ones), we advise you to turn to the Problemgambling-Ca organization or to the game These two sites are perfect for compulsive players. Here are also the numbers of the second platform: 654 32 67 (Montreal and surroundings) 800-245-32 and 800-678-43 (elsewhere in Quebec)

Besides that, there are other options to ask for help and advice in relation to game problems. Here is a last useful link: the American partnership for the responsible game.

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